Friday, June 15, 2007

The Vodosia household welcomes the weekend!!!

So ready for the 5:00 whistle to blow!! Actually for me today it will be 3:00 ;)

We are anticipating a relaxing weekend to catch up on some much needed family time! Donald is playing in a golf tourney with his company McAbee today along with a couple of "blue hats" from USX...sure hope they do well! I have a class at Scrapbook Stuff tonight, meeting Joseph for dinner at Jim 'n Nicks in Jasper. Saturday we are going to do a little house work (yuk!) and take in a movie and dinner at the Pita Stop Cafe. I am so ready for Sunday, have missed my church and my youth! Can't wait to spend a day in the House of the Lord!

Wishing you all a great and safe weekend!


jenney said...

Hey Vicki!

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!

I made my "watermark" by creating a new layer in photoshop and writing my name wit the text tool. You can choose your font and size. Then you adjust the opacity of that layer as much or as little as you want to let the background come through and then you flatten the image. Just always make sure you save the picture under a different name because you don't want your watermark on the original. =)

Vikki said...

oh ok...I will have to play with that on photoshop...thanks for getting back to me!