Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Prayers Needed

Sunday 2 weeks ago my 93 year old aunt fell and broke her hip and is currently in Lakeshore for rehab. She is healing fine from a medical standpoint, but is not into the rehab part because of pain. She is getting discharged on 12/1, but is not ready physically to come home. Then Thursday around 0100 my husband, Donald, was in a work related accident where his right hand got caught between a crane block and the crane. This caused a distal radius fracture, a spiral fracture to the ulna and broke his wrist into 5 pieces. Surgery was yesterday and they placed a plate, screws and cadaver bone to repair the damage. He is in a lot of pain and has a long road for recovery. Please keep Donald and Ruthie in your prayers!

Thanks, Vikki

PS. I promise to post pictures soon!

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