Summer fun:
Youth football game

Family photoshoot in August:

Bunco Trip in October

Melanie and Patrick's Wedding

January: Nothing much has gone on other than work, school and just life in general.
February: Joseph turned 21! Ruthie turned 94! Donald had a second hand surgery. They went in and clipped the carpel tunnel nerve. Dr. O said that this is often a problem after the kind of wrist fracture and surgery repair that Donald had in November. So he has just started back to PT, we are praying that he will be able to get results with range of motion and strength. Please keep Donald and Ruthie in your prayers!
March: Since this is only the 4th not much has happened. I do have a prayer request for Friday 3/6. Grayson Anderson is coming back to TCH to have residual brain tumor removed. Please keep Grayson, Paula, Brandon and the rest of the family in your prayers.