Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Catch up!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time Sunday celebrating the birth of our Savior and some special time with your families! Here are just a few things that have happened in the Vodosia home since my last blog:

1. 3/31 Photo shoot with Liz, Ryan and Lily
2. 4/1 Palm Sunday...the choir had their musical tonight it was very good!
3. 4/2 went to Perico's for my bday! Best Mexican this side of the border!!
4. 4/3 I turned 42 years young!
5. 4/4-4/7 I had surgery and recovery time; everything went well
6. 4/8 Wonderful day at church; the service was very moving from the theme interp "By His Wounds"; the choir did awesome, Tammy Jarvis rocks the house everytime she sings! Bro. John's message was just great as always, we had a full house, more families joining every week. God is moving at Bethel!!



jenney said...

Hey Vikki!! Nice to meet you! I can't wait til our retreat!!!!

Thanks for the tip on the Photography classes!! I'll have to check into that.

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Vikki said...

You are welcome! Paris is great I think you will like their classes.

Thanks for the bday wishes!!